Keterkaitan Kesehatan Spiritual (Spiritual Well-Being) Dan Orientasi Keputusan Etis (Ethical Orientation Of Decision Making) (Studi Empiris terhadap Para Pembuat Keputusan di Indonesia Tahun 2016)
Specifically, the purpose of this studyis: (1)totest thevalidity and reliabilityofthemeasurement modelofFisher'sspiritualwell-being (SWB)construct(2010);(2) to testthevalidity and reliabilityofthemeasurement modelofForsyth’sethicalorientation ofdecision-making(EDM)construct(1980), and (3)toexamine thecorrelationof Fisher’sSWBvariables withForsyth’sEDMvariables(1980). Testing instruments ormeasurement models usesconfirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach Alpha's reliabilityandtestingcorrelationusesPerlson'scorrelation. The dataisprocessed with SPSS version22. The results of this study showed that: (1) the measurment modelofFisher’sSWBconstructis valid and reliable; (2) the measurment model of Forsyth’sEDMconstruct isalsovalid and reliable.It is also concluded that there is a positive and significantcorrelation betweenidealspiritualwell-being (ISWB)construct, either in whole (ISWB)and each dimension (ICSWB, IPSWB, ITSWB, IESWB)with ideal ethical orientationofdecision-making (IEDM). There is also a positive and significant relationship betweenlivedspiritualwell-being (LSWB)constructas a whole withrelativeethicalorientation ofdecision-making (REDM). In testing thecorrelationof each dimensionofLSWBconstruct(LCSWB, LPSWB, LTSWB, LESWB)withREDMconstruct, despite all the dimensionsofLSWB shows positivecorrelationswith REDM, but the level ofsignificance oftheassociation varies.
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