The Role Website Quality, Credit Card, Sales Promotion On Online Impulse Buying Behavior
The usage of online marketplace in Indonesia increases due to Covid-19 pandemic and its supporting environment such as payment systems. This investigation was conducted to determine the effect of Website Quality on Online Impulsive Buying Behavior moderated by Sales Promotion and Credit Card Usage in Indonesian marketplace. This study uses quantitative methods with causal analysis. In this research, data was collected through online questionnaires and 275 respondents who used the marketplace website responded. This research uses PLS-SEM data analysis technique. The results of this study showed that three out of five hypotheses are accepted. This study shows that Website Quality, Credit Card Use, and Sales Promotion have positive significant effect on Online Impulse Buying Behavior. However, the result of this study also revealed interesting findings, that there is not enough evidence to support moderation effect of Credit Card use and Sales Promotion in the relationship between web quality and Online Impulse Buying Behavior.
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