Green Accounting And Intellectual Capital Effect On Firm Value Moderated By Business Strategy
This study aims to compare the influence of Green Accounting and Intellectual Capital on the Firm Value model with Business Strategy as a Moderating Variable, using 2016 to 2021 data from IDX in the Automotive and Components and Consumer Goods sector. This study used purposive sampling and hypothesis testing using multiple regression. Green Accounting is measured by obtaining an ISO 1400, Intellectual Capital by VAICTM and Business Strategy by PPC. The results show green accounting has a negative effect on firm value in the Consumer Goods sector before and after being moderated and a significant positive effect on the other sector. Intellectual Capital has a significant effect on both sectors before and after moderation. Business strategy has a significant relationship with firm value in the Consumer Goods sector but has a negative relationship in other sectors. Business Strategy moderates the influence of Green accounting and Intellectual Capital on firm value.
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